Do you have muscle soreness?
Have you just jumped into a new exercise program and are feeling sore? Just upped your weights or increased your reps? Muscles burning a little more than usual? It sounds like you might have a case of muscle soreness.
After a new workout, the aching sensation can leave you feeling a little tender, stiff or tight. Luckily, there are several techniques you can apply to your body to soothe and relax your muscles. So you can relieve the burning sensation and get back to being active!
But first, it’s essential to understand what muscle soreness is. Exploring some of the leading causes of muscle soreness will help you care for your muscles and create a proper exercise routine.
In this blog post, we’ll share with you 5 tips and tricks to help relieve your muscle soreness from home or wherever you are. Read on to find out how!
What is muscle soreness?
Muscle soreness can be defined as a side effect of the stress you put on muscles after exercise. Some of the symptoms of muscle soreness can be localized pain, discomfort, or a burning sensation.
You can experience muscle soreness during or after exercise or any activity that stresses your muscles. Experiencing muscle soreness 8 to 48 hours after exercise is totally normal and known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS.
What causes muscle soreness?
When your muscles contract during an exercise or other activity, this can be the main reason why you experience muscle soreness. The tightening, lengthening, or shortening of muscles can lead to soreness.
Still, the soreness usually disappears once the contracted muscles and blood flow return to normal.
Here are six of the main reasons you may be dealing with muscle contractions and soreness. Keep on reading.
- You have an injury
- Your work requires heavy lifting
- Your experiencing muscle cramps
- You have just started a new exercise program
- Insufficient rest breaks between repetitive exercises
- You have just added more weight or switched up an exercise in your program
The cause of a particular muscle soreness might require a specific type of treatment. But here are five of the most common tips and techniques that you can use to soothe muscle soreness.
TIP 1 — Apply an ice pack or heat pack
Applying an ice pack or a heat pack to an aching muscle or painful area can do wonders for your soreness.
Applying a cold ice pack, frozen vegetables, or a cold towel helps to reduce pain caused by a pulled muscle, a cramp, or a muscle spasm. Ice is excellent for helping reduce swelling and redness caused by muscle soreness.
Applying heat is another incredible way of reducing localized pain around the back or neck. The heat helps with opening up blood vessels and loosening tight muscles. Heat packs and ice packs are very affordable, and you can reuse them!
TIP 2 — Get a massage
Massaging sore muscles can help speed up your recovery process post-workout or injury. A proper massage from your massage therapist or sports therapist can help reduce inflammation and speed up your recovery!
Massages can range anywhere from $60 to $100 per session, depending on where you are.
TIP 3 — Self-Massage
Doing a self-massage, either before or after a workout, can help prevent or reduce muscle soreness. Using a foam roller, a tennis ball, a massage ball, or any other tool is a form of Self-Myofascial Release (SMR).
SMR is commonly performed when someone experiences tight muscles or pain. With proper technique, a good self-massage can help to alleviate muscle tension which ultimately relieves muscle soreness.
TIP 4 — Stretch
Dynamic stretching and static stretching can help relax stiff muscles, contributing to muscle soreness relief. When performed correctly, there are loads of stretches that can help reduce stiffness and tightness in localized areas.
Consider arm circles, leg swings, and knee to chest exercises, depending on where you're feeling the sorest.
TIP 5 — Proper Nutrition
Nutrition is one of the most significant contributing factors to how we look and feel. What you put in your body has a massive impact on how your mind and muscles respond to activity. Your diet directly affects your energy levels, sleeping patterns, and mood.
It also has a vital role in muscle soreness and muscle recovery. The timing of when we consume foods also plays a role in how we speed up the recovery process. Several studies have linked fish, protein shakes, and coffee to speedy muscle recovery. Remember - what you put in your body affects everything!
Going forward
All in all, muscle soreness is a natural physical response to muscle stress and exercise. Depending on the cause and severity of muscle soreness, you should always consult a physical therapist or physician if you have any outstanding questions or concerns.
Hopefully, these tips can be applied to help you speed up your muscle soreness recovery! Going forward, always make sure to drink plenty of water, maintain a healthy diet, and check-in with yourself to keep your stress levels to a minimum.
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If you’d like personal 1:1 care or want to learn more, please contact us at (410) 946-1672, or click here. We’ll get you in touch with one of our dedicated professionals. At True Sports Physical Therapy, your health is always front of mind! It’s our mission to help you get off the sidelines and back on your feet in the fastest and safest way possible.